We Are All Human

Talking about mental health is SO IMPORTANT, I cannot stress this enough. For people that deal with mental health problems, not being able to voice what they are going through can be one of the hardest parts. Talking about mental health can improve relationships, break down the stereotype and provide learning opportunities about the various services that are available.

Selena Gomez recently spoke about the state of her Mental Health during Miley's "Bright Minded" Insta show stating:

"Recently, I went to one of the best mental hospitals in... America, McClean Hospital, and I discussed that after years of going through a lot of different things, I realized that I was bipolar".

Selena has been open about her struggles with depression and anxiety and shared that when she received her diagnosis she was

"Equal parts terrified and relieved -- terrified because the veil was lifted but relieved that I finally had the knowledge of why I had suffered with various depressions and anxieties for so many years. I never had full awareness or answers about this condition."

Read more here.

You are not alone! If you or a loved one are struggling there are many services available to help.

Visit Nami.org for more information.

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