Make Your Life Easier With 3 Dryer Hacks

Dryers are 3x more useful than you think! Check out these hacks that will make your life easier.

  • If you want to add some fluff to your towels, throw some tennis balls in with your load. The movement of the tennis balls adds extra volumes to items such as towels, blankets, pillows, fluffy clothes and other soft items.
  • If you don't feel like ironing and need to remove wrinkles from some of your clothes, there is a solution! Throw in a light load of clothes along with a couple of ice cubes and turn it to the highest heat setting. The ice melts and produces steam that reduces wrinkles!
  • To reduce static cling, roll up aluminum foil into small balls that have a diameter of about 2-3 inches and toss into a fresh load with wet clothes to reduce static!


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