Here are Six Super Hard "Would You Rather" Questions About Money

Everybody loves a good "would you rather" question. So someone did a survey with questions that were only about money. Over 30,000 people were polled. Here are the best ones, and how people voted . .

1. Would you rather win the lottery, but lose all your friends . . . or lose all your money, but find your soulmate? 59% said they'd rather be broke and in love.

2. Would you rather have a job you hate that pays well . . . or a job you love with a below-average salary? 56% said they'd rather have a job they love.

3. Would you rather spend a million dollars on clothes . . . or a million on travel? 88% would rather travel.

4. Would you rather make $100,000 on Bitcoin . . . or $50,000 investing in a business that helps the environment? 69% said 50 grand and help the planet. (

5. Would you rather get a million dollars right now . . . or $100,000 a year for ten years? 71% would rather get 100 grand a year, so they wouldn't spend it all.

6. Would you rather go back in time to fix your biggest money mistake . . . or look into your future to find out where you end up? This might have been the best question asked, because it was an even, 50/50 split. 


Photo: Getty Images

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