Celina Martinez

Celina Martinez

Born and raised in Yuma, AZ, Celina moved to Tucson, AZ, to pursue her education and graduated from the University of Arizona. She began her career...Full Bio


Minneapolis City Council Members Intend To Defund Police Department

Suspect In Custody After Driving Into Protest And Shooting One In Seattle

Protests over the tragic death of George Floyd continue across the U.S as many are calling for city officials to defund police departments in our communities.

On Sunday, nine members of the Minneapolis City Council announced their intent to defund and dismantle the city's police department.

"We committed to dismantling policing as we know it in the city of Minneapolis and to rebuild with our community a new model of public safety that actually keeps our community safe."

Said Council President Lisa Bender

"(We need) to listen, especially to our black leaders, to our communities of color, for whom policing is not working and to really let the solutions lie in our community,"

More details here.

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