Yesterdays walk was short and sweet, except for that one part where my side starting hurting, like I was in extreme pain.
My hike started off like it usually does, Airpods in, observing those around me, attempting to breathe through my mask and so on. It wasn't till I was half way up the hill when I felt a horrible pain on the right side of my stomach. I can't even explain what it felt like but the best way to put it is that it felt like I had been stabbed, 10x.
My friend told me to take a break so we pulled off to the side while I caught my breath. I took a big gulp a water and not even 5 minutes later I felt WAY better. The pain was there, but it was bearable. We continued our hike and didn't even have to take a break at the top.
I can't recall what I was thinking about besides the pain I had gone through half of my hike. I thought about the sun going to sleep earlier than usual. It was dark out yesterday. I counted the flashlights that passed by me, the visitors without masks, the visitors with hydros. I thought about how tired the day had made me, how excited I was to be going home and how much I needed to jump in the shower and go to sleep. It wasn't my favorite hike, probably at the bottom of the list. But I did it, and I'm proud!