Celina Martinez

Celina Martinez

Born and raised in Yuma, AZ, Celina moved to Tucson, AZ, to pursue her education and graduated from the University of Arizona. She began her career...Full Bio


WATCH: Customer's Soup Was Too Hot, so She Threw It in the Cashier's Face

A woman in Texas got angry on Sunday, because the soup she got from a restaurant was too hot. So she responded by throwing it in an employee's FACE.

It happened at a Mexican joint in Temple, Texas, about halfway between Austin and Dallas. She called in and was LIVID, because the soup she ordered was so hot, it melted the plastic lid on the container.

The cashier who answered the phone was a young woman named Jannelle Broland, who sounds like she did everything right. She apologized . . . said she understood why it was upsetting . . . and offered her a refund, free food, the works.

The woman just wanted to yell though, and kept calling her names and dropping F-bombs. So Jannelle eventually said, "You can't talk to me like that," and hung up.

Shortly after that, the woman showed up at the restaurant, and continued to curse at her. So Jannelle threatened to call the cops. And that's when the woman threw the soup in her face and walked out.

Luckily, it had cooled down by then, so it didn't burn her. But it was a spicy soup called menudo, and it got in her eyes. So she says it was like being pepper sprayed.

The restaurant banned the woman . . . posted footage of it online . . . and police say charges are pending. 

(KCEN/Fort Worth Star-Telegram)

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